Monday, 31 October 2011

31.10. Pooh Bear Quotes

In my search for quotes on the Internet, I have often come across Winnie the Pooh quotes, adorable little sayings that make you nod and think “Well said, coming from a bear”. Also affectionately known as Pooh or Pooh Bear, he's probably the most famous bear in the world known to millions around the world. Pooh is created by A.A Milne and named after a toy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne. Pooh's friends which include other popular characters such as Piglet, Eeyore, Tigger, Kanga and Roo were also based on Christopher's stuffed animals.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

30.10. Computing Quotes

I promised you more quotes earlier this month, and I have spent many evenings the last week online, searching for the best ones. I have found so many that I have decided to divide them into 3 different posts, as they are too many for one post. Tonight you are getting some priceless computing quotes and some about Facebook, definitely contemporary quotes and for all of you who still are in the dark about Facebook, my apologies in advance; you won’t get the jokes. Perhaps about time you sign up….you might just as well give in, the rest of us have already had to…

Saturday, 29 October 2011

29.10. Loropetalum chinense

It’s been a lovely day in my garden today; 18-19 degrees and sunshine, although there was a sharp wind at times which made taking close-up photographs of flowers a bit of a challenge – standing and waiting for the wind to ease so I could take photos right at the correct moment, just to find that as I pressed the button there was another blow of wind which pushed the flower out of focus. Thank goodness for digital cameras, it doesn’t cost anything extra if you have to retake, however many times it take :-)

Monday, 24 October 2011

24.10. Confused plants

The British weird and unusual weather continues, we had a few days with well below 10 degrees during daytime, but now we are back to almost 20 degrees. It has been nice and sunny for many days lately and I can’t remember last time we had any substantial amount of rain so I have had to water my garden quite often the last month.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

20.10. Garden is improving

Hello again, just a quick update from my garden tonight, as things are slowly progressing. The log-rolls are ready stained and in the ground, finally, but no gravel yet. I want to finish all the planting first as I keep dragging soil with me from my boots onto the path whenever I go in and out of the beds. Besides, the gravel and also the bark I need to mulch around the plants are quite expensive so I need to save up for it before I go off to B&Q; it is amazing how much things add up to when you go to a place like that to just have ‘a few things’ !

Saturday, 15 October 2011

15.10. Quotes of Wisdom

I have written two posts earlier this year about famous quotes and I can see from the visitor statistics that these two posts are frequently visited. I regularly look around for new quotes and collect them in a folder on my computer, you never know when a quote from a famous person could come in handy, so tonight I thought I would make another post about wise words and sayings.

Friday, 14 October 2011

14.10. Log-rolls arrival

The whiff of summer we had two weeks ago is well and truly gone and the autumn has arrived. It has been a nice warm day today, but it gets really chilly in the late afternoon and working in the garden at this time of the year means layers of clothes and half mittens for me.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

09.10. Revamp of my garden

I have had a nice, long day outside in my garden today, doing what I enjoy most; pottering about in my garden planting and taking photographs. I have quite a few photos for you tonight, both of plants in flower right now, and the progress of my big revamp of the garden. Did you read my post from earlier this week, where I wrote about last week’s amazing weather? It culminated with a temperature record last Saturday, and although the record was only 29.9 degrees, in my garden I recorded 31 degrees – a week ago. Yesterday it was 14 degrees in my garden. FOURTEEN!! But today the sun was shining and we were back again in someone’s ‘good book’ and got 22 degrees in the afternoon. That’s quite a difference in one day, from 14 to 22, but I am not complaining when the difference goes the right way :-)

Saturday, 8 October 2011

08.10 Silly job titles, UK

I haven’t gone off on a rant lately but tonight I am feeling the need :-) I have been thinking about writing a post about silly job titles in the UK for a while, as this is one of my pet hate and I as a foreigner have been watching this growing trend here in the UK with a mix of amusement and horror. When I moved to London 12 years ago, I got a bit bewildered by all the fancy job titles people seemed to have here. Just about anyone I got in touch with in the beginning was called officer this and officer that. Now, I am not unfamiliar with the term officer; my father was an officer in the army, and I spent my childhood and part of my teens in various garrisons together with my siblings and my parents. We moved often, as army people do, and we used to live in the officer’s accommodation together with the other officer families. So I knew very well what an officer was when I left Norway and moved to the UK – I thought.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

04.10. Hurricane and snow!

The mini heat-wave we had last week is well and truly over, but when I went to the hospital today I got a glimpse of the headlines of today’s newspapers, and they all wrote the same; about this coming week-end’s weather. If you don’t live in the UK, the following might come as a joke to you, but believe me, this is no joke, it is supposedly true, according to one newspaper: Britain will be feeling the cold as the unseasonable autumn temperatures drop by 18 degrees in just days and the tail-end of Hurricane Ophelia batters Scotland and the North of England. In the South, widespread frost will have the weekend's beach-goers wrapping up in scarves while storms and even snow lash the North!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

01.10. October heat record!

OK, so now it’s official; we broke the temperature record today! The record has been broken for the highest temperature recorded in October in England - now at 29.9C. It was set at 14:42 BST in Gravesend, Kent, beating the previous record of 29.4C recorded on 1 October 1985, in the small town of March, Cambridgeshire. Temperatures in England topped those in Athens, Los Angeles and Barcelona today. In my garden however, it was 31 degrees at 3 pm today, making it a rather hot and sticky environment for my planned gardening.