Tuesday 29 May 2012

I’m still around

Have you been looking for news from my London garden? Sorry for being absent for such a long time, but my short stay in hospital for a simple stomach operation turned out to be a bigger ordeal than expected. I contracted pancreatitis as a complication from the operation and although I am now home from hospital I am still recovering and will be for a while. I haven’t done any gardening the last 2 weeks, but I have been able to enjoy some of the marvellous weather we have had lately. Finally summer came to Britain!

My garden has woken up from what seemed to be an everlasting sleep, the cold wet weather we had for almost 2 months delayed my garden with about 5 weeks compared to last year. My roses have opened this week! And Dopey, my gorgeous dwarf rhododendron is also finally opening his flowers. I have taken a few pictures today, just to give you a flavour of what’s happening right now in my garden, but there is so much more going on.

The garden, 29th May

Roses, finally! These are Crimson cascade

Dwarf Rhododendron ‘Dopey’

Dopey, close-up

I have been nominated for the Illuminating Blogger Award by Evelyn at Gone Tropical, I will write a separate post about the award and the rules when I get a bit better, just wanted to say thank you to Evelyn for nominating me!

More from my garden when I get my strength back, pancreatitis has turned out to be surprisingly painful and I must admit I don’t do much these days than lounging around, although itching to get on with all the tasks queuing up in my garden. Luckily I have a garden that waits for me, I have created it so I can garden when I can and are able to, and as long as it rains enough it can survive without too much attention from me :-) Until next time, take care.


  1. Hello Helene
    So glad you are back! Sorry to hear that a simple operation turned into something more complicated and painful. I'm sure it's a pleasure to be back home and to be welcomed by good sunny weather, Crimson Cascade and Dopey :) Congrats on the Illuminating Blogger Award! Enjoy your time resting in your beautiful garden.

  2. Oh, so sorry to hear about the complication. You certainly have a lovely view during your recovery, though. I'm so happy that your weather has turned mild. Congrats on the award--you deserve it, Helene!

  3. not good news but glad you are recovering now. The summer should help heal

  4. Sorry to hear you have been unwell Helene. Take it easy and get fully well soon. Dopey is looking fabulous even though he's taken his time about it.

  5. Welcome back. Glad the weather turned out nice for your return from hospital. And now they're predicting rain, so your garden will get watered too. Your rhododendron is certainly looking happy. I know it's Dopey, not Happy, but you know what I mean. Take care.

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments, I will try to take some more pictures in the week to come.

  7. Helene, glad to hear that you're on the mend. Your garden looks happy to see you. :)

  8. Glad to see you back Helene, I've missed you! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


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